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How to Train Like an Old-Time StrongmanWhen setting out to get into a shape, a good starting point is to find role models. Who are your fitness heroes? Whose physique would you like to emulate? Whose training philosophy most closely resembles your own?Get this right and you can find yourself with a blueprint to follow and ample amounts of inspiration and motivation. Get it wrong and you're asking for disappointment and frustration.An example of a wrong fitness role model might often be found on YouTube. While there are some great personalities on YouTube in the fitness community, there are also...

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One subject that is often brought up in regards to training at the moment is functional strength. This is definitely a concept that is very in vogue and one that a lot of people are very interested in. 

But what does it really mean?

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When it comes to building more muscle, one of the most important things to consider is your hormonal makeup. This is crucial because hormones are what drive muscle growth. In particular, it is the anabolic hormones like testosterone, growth hormone and insulin that increase the size of the muscles and if you can get more of that, then your muscles will grow larger, faster and with more hardness and definition.

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When you start training from home, one of the biggest challenges is making up for a lack of truly heavy weights.As you get better and you build up your home gym, there's a chance you might eventually be able to stock it with a bench press and load a good 100kg onto that. But this costs a lot of money and involves committing a lot of space to your new home gym. Most of us won't have that luxury to begin with, and that means we're going to be training with far fewer resources and much less weight.With that in...

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Isolation training means that you are training just one specific muscle group and really focussing on that muscle during a particular exercise. An example of an isolation exercise is the bicep curl. This is a move that targets the biceps specifically and allows you to build muscle tears and metabolic stress in that region without it spilling out in other areas.This can be contrasted with compound movements, such as the squat. The squat is not an isolation movement because it challenges too many muscle groups all at once. This works the quads, the calves, the hamstrings, the core and even...

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